*The Solution* ? -- For me, because of my relationship with God since age 8, do nothing aggressive. I have just kept loving God and helping others and loving them. ~LArry <3 - I have taken so much damage to my body, mind and spirit, I just keep giving it over to God and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Until it is time for me to go home. :)
Dublin Core
*The Solution* ? -- For me, because of my relationship with God since age 8, do nothing aggressive. I have just kept loving God and helping others and loving them. ~LArry <3 - I have taken so much damage to my body, mind and spirit, I just keep giving it over to God and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Until it is time for me to go home. :)
“*The Solution* ? -- For me, because of my relationship with God since age 8, do nothing aggressive. I have just kept loving God and helping others and loving them. ~LArry <3 - I have taken so much damage to my body, mind and spirit, I just keep giving it over to God and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Until it is time for me to go home. :),” Lawrence Catania's Omeka, accessed February 26, 2025, https://omeka.lawrencecatania.com/items/show/3309.