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Text Misc


Lawrence Catania

Collection Items

Vutron Feca Inortu
Vutron Feca Inortu

ihevso Auroris
ihevso Auroris

It is an oddly beautiful day today.

What is the relationship between power and language?

Correlation between computer language developments and human language development. Other communications resources like mammals, insects, developments, history. Communications between other entities. Mediums.

Let us explore what we are; together.

Everything I have become is because of you ~LArry

No one has full access any longer, only the female who can stand toe to toe and show unconditional Love. And bring out everything that is.

Man has been the ruin for thousands of years. And Women would do even worse. Y'all just don't get it. AI, Pure Evil. - Just my Thoughts.

http _www.lunarplanner.com_Harmonics_planetary-harmonics_files

Scared to death, that I want this soo bad, that I would make a bad decision to get it. :(
Scared to death, that I want this soo bad, that I would make a bad decision to get it. :(
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